Edit algos as you like
This release brings a much requested feature for entering algo parameters via text boxes in addition to using the sliders. This will allow you to more granularly control for larger algo orders.
In addition to the above we are also releasing some minor improvements to Sandwich in terms of managing the toast messages and sorting your favorites on the DMA.
- Edit and enter custom values for Algos
- Algos graciously stop when PC sleeps
- Clip Size in user currency using quote currency where base currency doesn't exist
- Toast messages won't repeat errors multiple times
- Sort favorites by exchange, base currency or symbol
- Updating BBO on ticker creation
- Internal update to release cycle
- Upgraded CurrencyConverter to elegantly try other exchanges if a particular one is not available
- Kraken PO flag remains on amend order
- Zapper daily volume null value fix
- Theming busy control
- Theme fix for Drop down menus
- Reduce only status remains on Binance edit orders
- Fix for rounding issue on clip size