Yes and No...
You'll need to use the BotFather (@BotFather) in Telegram to create a bot and associated bot API token. Enter this bot token into Sandwich, under User Settings, as well as your Telegram UserID.
There is no limit to the file size of your .keys or .txt API key file, which means that there is no limit to the number of API keys you can store within Sandwich.
You can trade on multiple accounts and across multiple DMAs, on as many API keys as you like.
Your API key file is encrypted and tied to your computer, ensuring that your account access remains private. Therefore, your accounts can only be validated and loaded once you log in to Sandwich with your 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication).
By uninstalling the app, the majority of your user data will be immediately removed since Sandwich does not store personal information. Contact Support for more assistance.
At Sandwich we value your privacy. We never collect or store your personal information, including the details of your trades.
Only to create and manage your API keys.
No, currently Sandwich is a paid for product.
Download and register now - this should take less than 10 minutes!
There are no KYC requirements in place to use Sandwich.
You can have as many accounts as you need.